I have the most random mind sometimes. I was out at Lake Martin last weekend and I saw a nutria rat and commented to my wife, "I may not be fast, but I could outrun him."
The real headline should read the grossest thing that people in Louisiana regularly eat. Remember we eat a lot of things other people would call an exterminator to remove.
The latest food craze happening right now in Russia is "Nutria Burgers". They just can't get enough of them apparently. Hey Russia, come on over because we have plenty of them for you.
Many different types of interesting foods were available at the all-you-can-eat event like duck tamales, deer tamales and even moose chili. It's one item in particular that caught my attention however, and that item is the "Nutria Tacos".
There's a few things that creep me out about Nutria Rats. the giant hairless tail is one of those things. The other are those nasty orange teeth you can spot from clear across Girard Park. I mean, Nutria teeth are orange because they're so nasty, right? Not so fast...
When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. When life hands you nutria, you make fur coats and auction them to benefit our wetlands. Seriously, you do!
Blowing up all over Facebook right now is "The Great Giraffe Riddle Challenge". That's cool and all, be we decided to change it up and make it "The Great Nutria Rat Challenge"! So, can you solve this riddle? Here's how to play...