Ryan Gosling is about to play himself. (In the DJ Khaled sense, not the Being John Malkovich sense.) The actor’s been on something of a roll recently, scoring critical plaudits for The Nice Guys and La La Land last year — the latter of which ended up a surprise blockbuster and less-surprise Oscar hoarder — and continuing on into 2017 with this past spring’s Song to Song. He’s got Blade Runner 2049 on the docket for this fall, a likely smash that may earn him admiration among nerd circles, the last niche demographic he has not yet charmed. But with the world at his feet, Gosling’s now making moves to dash all the goodwill he’s recently built up.
A link announcing that the sequel to 'The Notebook' will be filmed in Lafayette, LA has the city in a tizzy, but unfortunately it's (probably) 100% not true.
Remember the fellow who was arrested after throwing a hot dog at Tiger Woods last Sunday?
Well, 31-year-old Brandon Kelly finally opened up to the press about why he resorted to wiener tossing when he saw Woods lining up a putt on the seventh hole of the Frys.com Open. His explanation is pretty out there.