Throw in that we here in Cajun Country often say and text words that aren't spoken anywhere else in world, and autocorrect can leave you wanting to throw your phone into the Vermillion River.
Ever since you bought your shinny iPhone it's been tracking everywhere you've been. It has a hidden function that records where you’ve been, and how long you spent there. Seriously.
Can you just not figure out why your iPhone keeps running out of juice? I mean, you leave the house with a full charge, but by 2 o'clock you're limping along with 12% battery life. Well, hopefully this list will help you out.
If you're still looking to get your hands on an Apple iPhone 5s, Best Buy is giving you a chance to trade in your iPhone 4 or iPhone 5 for only ONE DOLLAR! Hurry though, you only have two days to take advantage of it.
I've always THOUGHT I was using most of my modern day devices properly, but apparently I've been WAY off. Watch this quick video to have your mind blown a little bit. Using the headphones as a remote for taking pictures is pretty genius...can't wait to try the car remote too...
Are you tired getting your hands messy with that final scoop of peanut butter or mayo? This new technology might just your hands, your money and the trouble of finding a paper towel the next time you make a sandwich.
A recent survey tell us the term "geek" is no longer an insult. In fact thanks to the technology boom it's more of a compliment. I don't consider myself to be a geek. When it comes to technology I would the be opposite of a computer geek, an old white guy who doesn't like to read directions. I do love gadgets so my inner geek is quite geeked to share these with you.
Do you know what a "tech turd" is? Well I must admit, being a bit on the old school side of the fence I had horrible mental images of people ingesting smart phones and letting nature make the next call if you know what I mean. Technology is a double edge sword, remember when you used to have to answer the phone to find out who was calling? Or to get money from your bank you had to stand
When it comes to technology I am more of a hammer kind of guy. That would be my tool of choice for the next time my phone quits working or my computer locks up. Obviously there are better ways to handle tough and not so tough tech issues, here are some easy fixes for charging phones, getting better wi fi coverage or finding photos you thought were deleted.
I think my new dream of this new frontier of technology is to actually finish paying for a device or gadget before it becomes obsolete. I am a late rider on the Apple bandwagon, but I did finally get my wife the I-Phone 4. Now less than one month after plunking down the dollars, I find out, I-phone 5 is on the way.
Why is that as soon as you buy some fancy new technology thinking you're the coolest kid on the block that it becomes obsolete in no time? Or in the case of the Flip camera it just goes away! I think we have about eight of these puppies floating around the building.
Before the days of caller ID there was a great prank phone call a kid could make. "Is your refrigerator running?". You probably have made that call yourself. With today's technology it is now just as likely that your refrigerator or stove or microwave or air conditioner might just be calling you.
I have always been cautious when it comes to technology, I like to see if the bugs can get worked out before I invest my money in a new product or service. A lot of people I know have an I-phone. Unfortunately many of those I-Phone users do not speak in the kindest of tones about AT&T. We...
Through the years the first of each new year has brought new innovations in gadgetry. We've met the I-Phone, the X-box, the PlayStation and loads and loads of other plug in, charge up, take it with you kind of goodies at this time of year. There is a reason for that.
The technology and world is changing so fast. A lot is for the better, but it's really sad that a lot of kids born in these days won't know of or get to use many what?
Remember standing in front of your favorite vending machine trying to decide what delicous drink would hit the spot on a hot afternoon? Well thanks to the high tech world we live in, you might not even need to think before you drink!