When a few tips to a middle schooler results in a pathway to the NFL, you've got to believe that kind of heavenly magic can only be created by a lifelong New Orleans Saint. Who could have predicted that Thomas Morstead would end up being teammates with the seventh grader he gave punting lessons to a decade ago?
As the New Orleans Saints get ready to take on the Baltimore Ravens in their first preseason game on Saturday, it got me thinking about memorable nicknames for members of the Black & Gold.
Thomas Morstead's special bond with the New Orleans Saints fanbase has made his release emotional for all involved. His video message today is no exception.
The most infamous non-call in NFL history that prevented the Saints from reaching the Super Bowl has one lawsuit from fans that stuck, but the team is asking it to go away.
Ahead of this week's big Saints-Vikings game, New Orleans Saints punter Thomas Morstead and his foundation, What You Give Will Grow, are teaming up with Vikings cornerback Marcus Sherels to raise funds to support Best Christmas Ever families in Minnesota and the Greater New Orleans area.