Robert Pattinson is known worldwide as the star of the 'Twilight' franchise of films, but many fans may not be aware that the actor is also an amateur musician. In a recent appearance on 'Late Night With Jimmy Fallon,' Pattinson revealed that he once unintentionally dismissed country superstar Brad Paisley while looking at guitars in a Nashville music shop.
All right, 'Twilight' fans, your big day is approaching: Summit is bring you a five-film marathon of the entire series, culminating in the premiere of 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn -- Part 2.' Grab your Team Jacob and Team Edward shirts and hats and flashlights or whatever it is you crazy kids are into these days and get ready for a full day of 'Twilight' insanity.
Twi-hards consumed with the real-life romance between ‘Twilight’ stars Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart probably swooned in unison on Friday when Pattinson revealed the couple may already be married.
For anyone who did not watch the MTV Video Awards last night, Twilight took the night. Robert Pattinson "Edward" and Taylor Lautner "Jacob" had a bit of an intimate moment when the movie won the award for "Best Kiss." Pattinson ran off stage into the crowd, grabbed Lautner and give him a big 'ole wet one.
MTV on Thursday released a brand new preview of the hotly anticipated wedding scene from 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part I' in which - spoiler alert! - brooding lovers Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) and Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) finally tie the knot.