Texas Man Says He’s Not Wearing His Pants After Drug Arrest
In the world of law enforcement it's pretty hard to deny what you can see with your own eyes. In the world of reasonable people most of the time what seems to be is in fact real. In the world of drug users and criminals when you're caught red handed any story is better than no story. This is what happens when the observations of a trained police officer and the world of reasonable people cross paths with the irrational idiocy of those that use drugs.
Demontra Nelson of Texas was attempting to cash a check at a grocery store in Many Louisiana. Local police were alerted to the crime. A pursuit ensued and items were observed being tossed from the vehicle in which Mr. Wilson was riding. The vehicle was being driven by an individual identified as Hurpe Miles.
The items that were thrown from the car were discovered to be a false check and a fake ID. After the vehicle was stopped officers showed up with a K-9 officer who alerted on the pants that Mr. Nelson was wearing. In those pants officers discovered cocaine and marijuana. However, police spokesman Dean Lambert with the Many PD told the Louisiana Radio Network that the suspect had an explanation.
He tried to explain to the officer that these were not his pants. They were somebody else’s pants, he just got up that morning and put them on. It was not his pants and he certainly didn’t know any drugs were in his pockets. But he was charged anyway.
Mr. Wilson has been charged with possession of cocaine and marijuana as well as attempted bank fraud. The driver, Mr. Miles, was charged with a seat belt violation and resisting arrest by flight. Other charges for both of these men are pending.