The Butterball Turkey Hotline is Ready for Your Questions [VIDEO]
Happy Thanksgiving!
Nothing quite screams 'The holidays are here!' like the Butterball Turkey Hotline opening up for your questions.The Hotline has been in operation every holiday season since 1981, and according to the folks in the know, over 10,000 calls come in on Thanksgiving Day alone. Wow! Butterball sells over a billion pounds of turkey each year, and the most asked question is 'My turkey is still frozen, what do I do?'
The hotline was originally staffed by six home economists and nutritionists to take questions from culinary experts and regular folks alike, who seek help with their holiday bird. Now over 50 experts are available for the millions of calls that come in each year between November 1 and December 24.
1-800-BUTTERBALL (800-288-8372) is the number to call, and the times that are available for your questions are listed below.
- November 1st - 16th: 8 am - 8 pm (Monday - Friday)
- November 17th - 18th: 8 am - 6 pm
- November 19th - 20th: 7 am - 9 pm
- November 21st: 7am - 10pm
- November 22nd (Thanksgiving Day): 6 am - 6 pm
- November 23rd - December 21st: 8 am - 6 pm (Monday - Friday)
- December 22nd - 23rd: 8 am - 2 pm
- December 24th (Christmas Eve): 8 am - 2 pm
You can also chat live, send and receive text messages, and new this year, you can 'Ask Alexa' all of your turkey questions. Check out how the Alexa skill works in the video below.