Twinkies Ice Cream Is Out In Stores
You can file this under "shut up and take my money". Twinkies ice cream is apparently a thing...a thing you can buy in stores now!
Shoot, I remember a couple of years ago where you couldn't even buy a Twinkie in its original form and now they're back so hard they're shape-shifting.
It gets even better. Not only has Hostess rolled out the brand new Twinkies Ice Cream, they've also made flavors based on Ding Dongs, Sno Balls, and Cup Cakes (you know the ones with cream in the middle and the swirly frosting on the top).
The ice creams are now on sale at Dollar General stores and some other random convenience stores around the country through May.
I'm sure if it takes off you will start seeing these treats in all the stores and past May.
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