Not everyone can make a great gumbo. For some reason the word "Disney" comes to mind when I think about gumbo that ain't quite right. Since gumbo is synonymous with Louisiana it only makes sense that if you're taking our signature dish out of the country you better be bringing some Louisiana chefs along to cook it.

Unlike a certain theme park's gumbo of grass clippings and fairy dust authentic Louisiana gumbo is heading to Japan for a date with the United States Ambassador. Two Louisiana chefs left Louisiana on Monday to make sure that what is being called Louisiana Gumbo is in fact Louisiana Gumbo.

I’m so excited to promote Louisiana seafood and actually give these people a true Louisiana version of how something like this should be cooked and spark an interest in people to travel here in Louisiana.

Samantha Carrol and her husband Cody are the proprietors of Hot Tails in New Roads and Sac-a-Lait restaurant in New Orleans. They spoke to the Louisiana Radio Network about the opportunity for this most tasteful culinary cultural exchange.

As far as the food getting there, we’re working with the USDA with the US Embassy, and he’s telling us what products we can get there already that are from Louisiana or from the southern region.

I would imagine finding file' in Japan might be difficult. I think it would be even harder to explain. So I guess it's a good thing these chefs are being allowed to bring some of their unique Louisiana ingredients with them.

In addition to cooking for Caroline Kennedy, the U.S. Ambassador to Japan, the Carroll's will also be participating in a trade and food show with other Japanese chefs.

It’s different chefs from all over Japan, and they’re going to be attempting to make their version of a gumbo or their best style of a gumbo, and my husband and I will be judging it.

That's right a bunch of Japanese chefs are going to try their hand at making Louisiana Gumbo. Let's hope a chef from a certain international theme park will create his own recipe and not follow the company line.


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