Smoking at school has been around since long before Brownsville Station recorded their ode to the activity, Smokin' in the Boys Room, back in 1973. Today, just like it was then, smoking in and around the schoolyard is frowned upon and an egregious violation of school policy.

However, that was then and this is now and students no longer smoke at school they vape. That's the term used for those smokeless e-cigarettes that provide a nicotine delivery system without lighting a match. This change in technology might be good for those who choose to use it but for school officials vaping is a real headache.

Yesterday the Vermilion Parish School Board handed down its new policy concerning vaping on campus at Vermilion Parish Schools. Basically, vaping, like smoking, is not allowed. Those who choose to vape or bring vaping materials on to campus will now be facing stiffer penalties than before.

The new Vermilion Parish Policy calls for two days in school and two days out of school suspension for the first offense. A second offense would result in an indefinite suspension and a recommendation for expulsion. In both cases vaping products and materials would be confiscated.

School officials say the design of today's modern e-cigarettes makes them easier to conceal. There is also a concern over what kind of "juice" students might be using in their e-cigarettes too. Some e-cig users utilize the technology to deliver THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, to the brain. That's obviously not good for a classroom setting.

The new Vermilion policy seems to mirror or be in agreement with policies of school boards from around the area. So, let this be a word to the wise, don't smoke, don't vape, don't be an idiot, especially at school.


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