I know you're probably thinking, "could we just stick to dealing with one virus at a time, please"?  Well, that's not the case. Intermingled with our continuing efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 comes a reminder that our annual summertime battle with the West Nile virus is still a reason for concern.

Authorities in Calcasieu Parish, according to a report from KPLC television, have discovered mosquitoes with West Nile and that has prompted a cautionary notification and reminder to all of us who live in South Louisiana that we still need to fight the bite.

According to reports Louisiana had reported 55 positive reports of West Nile just this week and 121 positive mosquito pools for the year. The West Nile Virus is transmitted into humans via the bite of mosquitoes. Those who become infected could develop a fever or other flu-like symptoms.

July and August are peak months for West Nile Virus in Louisiana so it's vital that residents heed the advice of mosquito mitigation experts. Namely, check your property for potential breeding areas for mosquitoes. Any vessel that can hold standing water should be drained.

Also, it's a good idea to avoid being outside at dusk or at dawn when mosquito activity is at its highest. Long sleeve shirts and proper mosquito repellants are also suggested as ways to minimize your exposure to mosquitoes and the West Nile Virus.


10 Handy Home Remedies to Take the Itch Out of Mosquito Bites




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