Where Are Fightin’ville & White Subdivision in Lafayette?
One of my favorite places to snoop around on the Internet is a website called Reddit. They bill themselves as the "Front Page" of the Internet. I would agree. Redditors provide an interesting view of the world around us. Besides the jokes, meme, and controversial opinions shared on the site there is a lot of room to learn too.
Reddit has subreddits dedicated to Louisiana and Acadiana. It was in the Acadiana subreddit that I came across a request from a contributor (u/ThamilandryLFY) that was looking for information on Lafayette neighborhoods. The post suggested that the author was looking to move back to Lafayette after being away for several decades.
The post mentioned Downtown, Freetown, and the Saints, those are all neighborhoods most of us are aware of. There were two neighborhoods the post inquired about that I was not familiar with. Those neighborhoods were called Fightin'ville and White Subdivision.
Have you ever heard of those parts of town?
Commenters who responded to the inquiry said that "White Subdivision" was the name given to the area along and north of Congress Street across from the Holy Land (the Saints Streets). Another contributor suggested the "White Subdivision" was off of Eraste Landry near where Cameron Street and University intersect.
Another contributor commented on where Fightin'ville might be located within the city. They suggested that the area on the downtown side of Congress Street, namely South Pierce, Madison, Lafayette, and other streets in that area once carried that moniker back in the day.
I for one do not know, but I bet you or someone you know has information on these and several other not so well known Hub City 'hoods. If you do, we'd sure like to know what you know, as always if you can include your sources that would be great too. And yes, we would accept "that's what my Nana used to call it".
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