You’ve Been Pronouncing These Words Wrong All Your Life
We live in an area that has people mispronouncing words all the time. Try to get someone from New York to say 'Atchafalaya', and you'll know what I mean. The folks at Thrillist have alerted me to some words that I've been pronouncing wrong my whole life. Who knew?! Check 'em out below, and start your new life, friends.
- Sriracha : see- ROTCH - ah
- Beignet : ben - YAY
- Anise : ANN - iss
- Worcestershire : WOOS - turh -shurh
- Crudite : kroo - dee - TAY
- Acai Berry: ah - sigh - EE
- Gnochi: NYOH - kee
- Bouillabaisse: BOO - ya - BAYS
- Tzatziki: zat - ZEE - kee
- Ph: fu
- Bruschetta: broo -SKEH - tuh
- Guanciale: gwen - CHA - lay
- Quinoa: KEEN - wah
- Gyro: YEER - oh
- Relleno: reh -YEH -no