10 Emojis Gen Z’ers Want to Cancel and Why
Did you read the title and wonder, "Wait, am I a Gen Z'er?" Let's get that settled first. If you were born from 1997 to 2012, you are a Gen Z baby.
In order for this to all make sense, we have one more question to answer if you aren't caught up on the times. What is "cancel culture"? According to Merriam-Webster, it means...
"The practice or tendency of engaging in mass canceling as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure."
Now that that is settled, if you were born in the above time frame, sorry not sorry. If you weren't, this is about to get really interesting.
We all know by now that emojis, just like any other text message, can be interpreted in a number of different ways. Is that a high five emoji or is it a praying emoji? Wait, is what did you mean by that purple eggplant emoji?
However, there are a few emojis that have sent Gen Z'ers into a frenzy. According to a recent New York Post article, they would rather have a typed-out response instead.
So, what are the 10 emojis these Z'ers are wanting to cancel? Starting with number 10...
Grimacing Face
Lipstick Kiss Mark
Clapping Hands
Monkey Covering Eyes
Loud Crying Face
"OK" Hand
Red Heart
Take a second to make all the facial expressions and gather your thoughts.
What emoji made you go "wait, what"? Was it all of them?
Luckily, the article provided a little feedback on why some of these made the list. For starters, what could possibly be wrong with the thumbs-up emoji? Apparently Gen Z'ers find it to be "rude" and "hostile." A 24-year old posted on Reddit that they were "not adult enough to be comfortable with the thumbs-up emoji reaction" and that "it's super rude if someone just sends you a thumbs up."
What does that even mean?
Another anonymous Reddit poster had a little more of an understandable reasoning. They said they think it has to do with a "generational communication culture difference." Okay, I can work with that...maybe. They went on to say, "Took me a bit to adjust and get out of my head that it means they're mad at me."
That is actually a statement that makes you think a little bit. Think about how many times you have take a response out of context or mistook the meaning of what the other person was trying to say.
The other emoji that we got a little feedback on is the heart emoji. What does it mean to you when you receive it?
One Reddit user commented, "I use heart emojis for things like when someone says 'I got a new kitten,' or 'Susie did a really good job'."
Where is the issue? There are so many questions to ask about the issues Gen Z'ers have found with these emojis. Some likely find it either too old school or too young. Or maybe I'm just trying to find some reasonable explanation?
What ever the case might be, this is one topic that has popped up in cancel culture that really is a head scratcher.
What are your thoughts?