2016 Easter Egg Hunts For Acadiana
For Easter this year, my plan is to stop eating today around 2pm so that on Easter Sunday, I can eat all the Reese's peanut butter eggs I want guilt free. OK, that's a horrible plan. In an effort to help you plan your Easter better than I've planned my diet, here are a slew of Easter egg hunts and festivities for you and the family.
Friday, March, 25th - UBS on Bertrand Dr. is having a huge Easter egg hunt for the kids starting at 10 am sharp. They'll be hiding 1,200 eggs! Hidden among the eggs will be two "golden eggs" containing a special prize. The Easter Bunny will be on-site and available for pictures. All donors receive an "All my Peeps Give Blood" blue T-shirt, entry to win a pair Carrie Underwood concert tickets and you'll get to "crack an egg" for additional prizes.
Saturday, March 26th - I've brought my kids to this one the past two years and they've had a blast. Children 12 and under and their parents are invited to Thomas Park in Lafayette for their 14th annual, free Easter egg hunt. The hunt begins at 10 AM and over 2,000 eggs will be hidden! There will be arts and crafts, face painting, balloons, drinks, prizes and a visit from the Easter Bunny.
Eggstravaganza - is also happening on the 26th, and it's a whopper. We're talking about an Easter egg hunt with 50,000 eggs! It's happening at the Youngsville Sports Complex from 1 PM to 3 PM. There will be local vendors, face painting, fun jumps, and giveaways. There will be a safe and separate egg hunt for those with special needs, and I think that's pretty awesome.
Do you know of more Easter egg hunts and activities happening? Email me at michael.scott@973thedawg.com and let me know about it so I can add it to this list!
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