60,000 Louisiana Residents Might Be Owed Money, Is That You?
Folks in Louisiana very seldom leave these two things on the table, leftover crawfish and free money. Both of those items are highly coveted in The Boot and we'd be willing to bet that if you knew you had money coming, you'd probably do everything in your power to make sure that money arrived safely.
Believe it or not, there are some 60,000 residents of the state, that's the estimated number, that apparently does not want their share of some $266 million dollars that was authorized for the state by the government of the United States. We say they "don't want the money" because it's been available to them for the better part of two years and the time to claim it is running out.
The $266 million in federal funds are part of monies pooled in the Restore Louisiana Homeowner Assistance Program. So far the program has paid money to 3,300 eligible families in the state who asked for assistance in covering the cost of hurricane repairs from the storms of 2020 and 2021.
It's estimated that there are about 60,000 Louisiana residents who are eligible for the Restore Louisiana money but have not yet applied. In case you're wondering, this money is for home repairs, reconstruction, and reimbursement. The program does not default to a certain income level either. The money is there for basically anyone who needs it but it won't be there much longer.
The deadline to apply for the Restore Louisiana grants is next Tuesday. Applications are available online right here. If you feel it's easier to call someone rather than go online you may dial 1-866-735-2001. That number is answered from 8 am to 5 pm each weekday.
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