9/11 Remembered – Rebirth At Ground Zero [Video]
That was a horrible day, September 11 2001. It was horrible for a lot of reasons. Many of those reasons I think I still don't understand. It was a day when cowards sucker punched innocent people. It was a day when America was hurt and wounded but it was also the day we the people remembered that we are in fact one.
The events of 11 years ago made us all stop and count our blessings. We remembered what is good and right about our country and what is good and right about each other. As we pause to reflect on the thousands who were lost that day and the many more that have been lost in the past 11 years defending our country as a direct result of the attacks of September 11 let us make one thing very clear.
This is the United States of America. We bow to no other country, government,king or dictator. We are the torch bearer for freedom and justice even though our own election system seems to point out that we are capable of serving neither.
We are not perfect.
We are resilient and made of strong stock. Behold the amazing creation that has risen from the ashes of so much tragedy. In the site where the Twin Towers once stood, now stands a testament to freedom. Behold for all the world to see this amazing rebirth at ground zero.