America’s Highest Paid Radio Stars of 2016
I hear this all the time - you are so lucky to be working in radio! Yes, this is true, but it's not what people think. Only a very small part of my job is actually being on the air - there is so much more to it than that. Personal appearances, remote broadcasts, benefits, show prep, commercial production, and now a new development - producing content for website and social media are now part of our job description on a daily basis.
Forbes has come out with their Highest Paid Radio Stars list for 2016, and diversity doesn't really seem to be a factor this year - every single one of them is a middle aged white guy. It's kind of troubling that not one woman, or person of color is included. Some of these top earners have other streams of income, including TV shows, clothing lines, and books, but their main paycheck comes from being a radio host. The list was calculated from June 2015 - June 2016.
Check the results out below, and if you are reading this, thank you for being a fan of local radio as well!
- Howard Stern - $85 Million
- Rush Limbaugh - $79 Million
- Ryan Secrest - $55 Million
- Sean Hannity - $29 Million
- Bill O'Reilly - &18.5 Million
- Glen Beck - $13 Million