Anonymous Donor Left Half-a-Million Dollars in Salvation Army Kettle
We hear stories seemingly every year about the amazing things people leave in Salvation Army kettles. We've heard of everything from gold coins to gold teeth.
But what happened outside of a grocery store in Minneapolis, Minnesota on Saturday may be the best of all time.
A group of firefighters were asking for Salvation Army donations when someone left a check for a half-a-million dollars.
According to a spokesperson, it was an elderly couple and they wanted to remain anonymous.
They said they did it to honor one of their fathers, who fought in World War One and used to talk about how Salvation Army workers walked around handing out donuts and coffee to the troops.
The couple also wanted to encourage others to be as generous as they can this holiday season.
Officials are still confirming, but this may be the largest donation ever left in a Salvation Army kettle.