For most of us, the weeks before Christmas were and still are a magical time. A time when hope, wonder, joy, and love fill not only our hearts but the same feeling resides in the hearts of everyone we meet.  Christmas shouldn't be a time of sadness, emptiness, fear, and despair. But for more families in Acadiana, than you can imagine, that's the exact feelings they are experiencing as we approach Christmas.

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The need is so great around South Louisiana that our friends at Morton Salt's Week's Island facility have asked that we shine the Shaking Out the Good Stuff spotlight on the Salvation Army Angel Tree. You're familiar with the Salvation Army and their "red kettles and bell ringers". But they are also offering another way you can help brighten the holiday season.

The Salvation Army Angel Tree is a program that allows you to select a boy or girl from its "branches" and then help Santa with a little extra holiday effort. There are three places across Acadiana where you may pull "an angel" and help make that angel's holiday bright.

Checking his special list.

The Salvation Army Angel Trees are located at Best Buy in Lafayette, the Acadiana Mall in Lafayette, and the Salvation Army Offices in Lafayette. As of this past weekend, KLFY Television was reporting that there were more than 100 kids whose Christmas wishes had gone unfulfilled.

Salvation Army Holds Toy Giveaway For Families In Need
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Once you've selected an angel or angels from the tree you can complete your shopping and then bring your purchases to the same location where you chose your angel. Gifts will be accepted beginning Monday, December 16th through Friday, December 20th. The gifts will be distributed to families and children on Saturday, December 21.

Once you've turned in your gifts, you will tear off the top part of your "angel assignment." The remaining portion can be hung on your family Christmas Tree.

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Morton Salt's Week's Island facility uses this platform every week to bring attention to those who are doing good things here in Acadiana. The principles at Morton Salt have placed a premium value on highlighting and fostering those people and programs that elevate our quality of life in South Louisiana.

The Week's Island facility currently has job opportunities in many areas around the facility. The pay and benefits at Morton Salt are among the best in the industry and offer competitive compensation when compared to other fields of employment. The one benefit that Morton Salt can offer a South Louisiana employee is the fact that you get to "go home and sleep in your own bed" every night.


If you'd like to consider an opportunity at Morton Salt, use this link for information. If you have a suggestion for our Shaking Out the Good Stuff Spotlight, you may send that to us via this link or you may drop a message for the team at Morton Salt in Week's Island, they will get your request to us.

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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells


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