Boaters Rescued From Vessel Taking on Water off Cypremort Point
A Friday afternoon boating adventure for three boaters became less of a boating adventure and more of a rescue adventure as the day wore on. According to a report from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, three people were rescued from an aluminum boat in the Cyrpemort Point area on Friday afternoon.
LDWF agents say they received a call from the boat's operator that approaching bad weather and high waves had inundated the small craft. The boat's captain also notified the agents that the craft was about out of fuel as well.
Agents were able to determine the location of the stranded craft and soon dispatched rescue vessels to the scene. The boaters were located and recovered at about 5:30. By the time LDWF agents had reached the boaters their vessel was out of fuel but fortunately had been beached onshore.
Agents transported the occupants of the vessel to Highway 90 public boat launch in Franklin. None of the occupants of the craft requested or required medical attention.
Let this serve as a warning for those who want to venture out on to Louisiana's lakes, bays, and bayous, the weather can change very quickly, especially in the spring and summer months. Be sure you have the latest forecast information handy before you leave and always let someone know your intended destination and when you plan to return.
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