Cashew Vanilla Butter – Foodie Friday
If you've ever listened to the show we do every morning here on 97.3 The Dawg you've probably picked up on the fact that cynicism is a quality we embrace. It is with my usual DJ cynicism that I addressed our chef, Jill McCoy, about this weeks Foodie Friday presentation.
Jill has been cutting, chopping, cooking, and learning at Le Cordon Bleu in Austin. That's a really famous culinary school if you are not familiar with the name. I always give her a lot of grief about the recipes she suggest for this regular Friday feature being too difficult for the common cook. Namely, me being the common cook.
Just because she learned well while being on the show with us here is Jill's response to my "why can't you make something really simple" request.
It's a gourmet twist on a classic children's favorite, peanut butter and jelly. Earlier we did the Peanut Butter and Jelly Bars, but this is different. This is almost Elvis like. In fact I think Elvis would probably approve of this kind of witchcraft in his kitchen.
I have to admit even an idiot that had the fire department show up the last time he made meatloaf can do this. I like cashew nuts. They are kind of a step above peanuts in my book and I never thought of the hint of vanilla as an addition. If you toss on the bananas and the honey you could conjure the ghost of Elvis right to the table.
Okay Chef Jill, your easy roasted cashew vanilla butter on toast with banana and honey might win this round but just you wait. I will come up with a challenge you can't overcome and then we will see who is washing dishes.
**Jill McCoy is a former announcer at 97.3 The Dawg who has turned her focus to cooking. She is currently enrolled at a prestigious culinary school in Austin TX. She also works in the kitchen at one of Austin’s finest restaurants. Jill also maintains her own food and lifestyle blog, Salt and Pepper 2 Taste. She is a regular contributor to 97.3 The Dawg every Friday**
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