Everyone in Acadiana has their own "secret method" when it comes to boiling crawfish, but have you heard of the "Two Pot Method" for boiling crawfish?

YouTube Via Southern Boyz Outdoors
YouTube Via Southern Boyz Outdoors

Two Pot Crawfish Boiling Method

When we say "Two Pot Method" of boiling crawfish, we're not talking about boiling two pots of crawfish.

We're talking about using two pots to boil one batch if that makes any sense.

If not, hold tight...it will in a minute.

Kinion Bankston with southernboyzoutdoors.com says in this video posted to YouTube that the "Two Pot Method" when boiling crawfish is his favorite way of boiling.

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If you haven't heard of Southern Boyz Outdoors, here's what they're all about as posted on their website -

"Southern Boyz Outdoors is a group of outdoor enthusiasts from Southeast Louisiana that document their adventures to bring you their way of life in Louisiana. The 'Southern Boyz' demonstrate many of the fun and enjoyable outdoor activities Southern Louisiana has to offer."

Now that we know a little bit about what Southern Boyz Outdoors is all about, let's dive into this "Two Pot Method" of boiling crawfish.

how to boil crawfish
YouTube Via Southern Boyz Outdoors

Notice anything...different about the water in the picture above the crawfish are being dumped into?

It's clear. There's no seasoning.

The seasoning, lemons, onions, and everything else are in the other pot that has been boiling for about 20 minutes before the live crawfish are added to the pot with no seasoning.

See where this is going?

Two Pot Crawfish Boil
YouTube Via Southern Boyz Outdoors

Once the crawfish in the pot without seasoning turn red and begin to float, they're transferred to the pot with seasoning, which has had the heat cut to and is no longer boiling.

From there, it's all about soaking the crawfish to let them take on the goodness in the seasoned water.

Now, Kinion Bankston doesn't mention if he purged the crawfish for any significant amount of time other than just spraying them off before cooking, but this "Two Pot Method" basically seems like you're purging crawfish in clean, boiling water.

Instead of the crawfish sitting and soaking in seasoned but dirty water, this method lets them soak in seasoned, but clean water.

What do you think? Does the "Two Pot Method" of boiling crawfish look good enough to you to try? Or, is this something you already do?

Let us know!


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