Daylight Saving Time 2024 – When Does Louisiana Fall Back?
The sure signs of fall are everywhere around Louisiana. We've got pumpkin-shaped peanut butter candies in our Lafayette drugstores. They're selling six-foot-tall skeleton chickens at stores in Eunice. And I am sure somewhere in Baton Rouge you can already get your picture made with Santa. All of this while we have heat advisories posted for temperatures that feel like they're 110 degrees in the shade.
We are now moving into late August and in just a week or so it will be September. Then comes Labor Day and for most of us in Louisiana we don't count that as a "fall holiday". Labor Day is more of a "last hurrah" of summer. So the extra daylight offered by the current time situation works out great.
In recent years there has been a major push at the state level and at the federal level to stop the bi-annual switching of the clocks. The original idea of "Daylight Saving Time" was based on a more agrarian economy. Now that most of us don't live and work on the farm, the concept of "daylight" is not nearly as impactful as it once was.
Louisiana is one of many states that has opted to go along with the federal government's stand on Daylight Saving Time. The state does have legislation in place that should the federal government make a decision to abolish Daylight Saving Time then Louisiana would follow suit. Currently, Hawaii and most of Arizona don't do the "clock thing". Ten other states have pending legislation concerning Daylight Saving Time.
When Will Louisiana Fall Back in 2024
I hope you weren't planning on going to Trick-or-Treat in the dark when Halloween rolls around in October, were you? It will still be light on October 31st when most kids take to the streets for the annual candy grab. The reason for the bright approach to our darkest holiday? We don't move the clocks back until November 3rd.
If current legislation holds and there are no changes Louisiana and the rest of the nation that participates will roll the clocks back one hour at 2 am on Sunday, November 3, 2024. We will stay in "Standard Time" until March 9, of 2025.
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Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela
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