‘Dine For The Diner’ is May 2
St Joseph Diner in Lafayette serves over 130,000 meals each year to those in need, and you can help them continue this wonderful community service on Thursday, May 2. The annual 'Dine for the Diner' allows some of our finest local restaurants to donate a portion of their proceeds for the day to St Joseph's Diner, which is run by Catholic Charities of Acadiana. You can participate by eating out at any of the restaurants below. And thank you for continuing to support this wonderful event each year that helps feed the hungry in our area.
Antoni's Italian Cafe
Bisbano’s Pizza Parlor
BJ’s Pizza House
BJ’s Poor Boys & Plate Lunches
Black Cafe
Blanchard’s BBQ
Bread & Circus Provisions
Campus Grounds
Charley G's
Chris' Poboys - Pinhook
Chris' Poboys - Robley
Dean-O's Pizza - Bertrand
Dean-O's Pizza - Southside
Fat Pat's - Carencro
Fat Pat's - Verot School Road
Fat Pat's - Westmark
Hub City Diner
Johnsons Boucaniere
Louisiana Crawfish Time
Olde Tyme Grocery
Rêve Coffee Lab
Rêve Coffee Roasters
Sandra’s Cafe & Health Food Store
Social Southern Table & Bar
Great Harvest Bread Co.
The Bus Stop Bistro