Do You Know About The New Turning Rules On Verot?
Over the weekend a portion of Verot School Road was closed so work crews could switch lanes of travel. That work was completed early Saturday morning but the entire project is far from over.
According to the Louisiana Department of Transportation, motorists will only be able to make right turns off of Verot School Road between Ambassador Caffery Parkway and Failia Road. This policy should remain in effect for at least the next two months and with school starting on Wednesday this could be a major headache for drivers.
The only left turns onto and off of Verot School Road will be allowed at the newly constructed intersections on the roadway. The intersection of Verot and Digby will be closed as well. To compensate for that flow of traffic motorists will be able to use temporary turn lanes at Camelia Boulevard and Artisan Road. This should allow local access to neighborhoods and businesses in those areas.
The changes in traffic flow are a necessary evil. It's all part of the Verot School widening project that feels as if it has been going on since the early 1950's. It hasn't it's only been a few years and in fact, the entire project should be completed by sometime next year.