Does This Woman Have the Best Butt in America?
Apparently, the web has revealed the best butt in America and it belongs to a 34-year-old model in Los Angeles named Natasha Wagner.
Now, how is this so and who is making this claim you say? The companies that make jeans say so, that's who.
Here's what makes her derriere so perfect. Natasha is 5-foot-8, she has a 28-inch waist and she has a butt that is exactly medium sized. So if jeans look good on her, they'll look good on women across a vast range of sizes.
Natasha has been helping brands like Levi's, Gap, Lucky, Old Navy, Seven, and several other companies make sure their jeans look perfect over the past 12 years.
She says, "If you fit jeans on a very small size, a size 24, the model is going to be very thin and not have a lot of butt...likewise, if you start out with a large size it will have too much curve.
"So if you start in the middle, my size, it means the jeans will fit almost anyone in that range."
Well there you go.