Dress Like a Thief, All the Cool Kids Are!
I want my kids to have role models than they can look up to. I don't mind them being sports figures or actors just as long as they uphold the same moral standards that my wife and I try to live by. In this day and age it is very hard to find people for youngsters to truly admire, but there are a few. I invite you to think of some celebrities that you admire. I am guessing Lindsay Lohan's name did not come up on your list, even at the bottom right? Well it turns out Li Lo as they like to call her still has a pretty big stick when it comes to swinging across the marketplace. You know that white dress she wore to court? Well it seems now everybody has got to have one!
Want to dress like an accused jewel thief?You don't need an orange jumpsuit, although Lindsay Lohan may be donning one of those soon enough. A tight white dress she wore to her Wednesday arraignment on grand theft charges has become the talk of the celebrity fashion world.It's also sold out at online retailers. God bless America!
It will be interesting to see if she can do for the orange jump suit what Justing Bieber has done for long swishy bangs.
(via Lindsay Lohan White Dress Sells Out After Sexiest Arraignment Ever - The Hollywood Gossip.)