Edwards Endorses Campbell For U.S. Senate
The endorsement of a sitting Governor can be a good thing or a not so good thing depending upon how popular that sitting Governor happens to be. Right now John Bel Edwards approval rating among voters is pretty high so this would be a good thing for Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell.
Governor Edwards has gone on record as saying Campbell is the candidate that Louisiana Democrats should support in the upcoming election for United States Senate. That seat is without an incumbent since David Vitter announced his retirement from the Senate after losing last year's Governor election to Edwards.
The governor of course is the most prominent Democrat in Louisiana and he's a winner of his own statewide race, so this is all good for Foster Campbell.
According to Pearson Cross, Political Science Professor at the University of Louisiana, this endorsement is a very good thing. It certainly gives Campbell a leg up on his primary Democratic opponent New Orleans based attorney Caroline Fayard.
While endorsements are good they hold no guarantees in the wacky world of Louisiana politics.
There are other people in the campaign, most notably (Congressmen John) Fleming and (Charles) Boustany, who have experience in the national legislature, so they would seem to have more of the inside track.
Cross's comments were reported in a story published by the Louisiana Radio Network. The primary election for the Senate seat and other important issues around the state is set for November 1.
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