Atlanta Falcons fans, in complete denial that their team blew a 25 point lead, are still crying about it, saying the Super Bowl was rigged. They say Fox screwed up and spilled the beans about this conspiracy before the game was over. See y'all, this is what happens when everyone gets a trophy.

So, at the 12:07 mark of the game, in overtime, Fox posted the caption below that said "New England Patriots. Wins Super Bowl With Touchdown".

Then, a minute later, New England scored a touchdown and won the Super Bowl. Oh, this is definitely proof the game was rigged, right? There's no way Fox could have just been simply stating the obvious and informing people that, if the Patriots score a touchdown on this drive that they'll win the Super Bowl, right?

This isn't something I've seen a couple of times on social media, this is such a popular theory with Falcons fans that it's been trending on the whole dang internet.

Hey, Falcons's bad enough your team embarrassed you by completely giving up the game in a huge way. Don't make it worse by embarrassing yourself and the entire fan base by believing this nonsense.

There are way more actual, real things you can find blame in for the Falcons losing the Super Bowl. Focus on those instead.

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