Giant Inflatable Colon Returning To Acadiana
A giant inflatable walk-through colon will be making it's way back to Lafayette this Monday! There's a very good reason why this is happening.
The idea behind the giant inflatable walk-through colon is to teach people in Acadiana about colorectal cancer, and the importance of preventive screening.
Here's everything you need to know:
WHAT: A giant inflatable walk-through colon is returning to Lafayette for an appearance at the Louisiana Health Occupations Students Association (HOSA) annual conference. The colon exhibit is designed to help teach Louisiana residents about colorectal cancer and preventive screening, and will be open to the public during the conference.
WHO: The Louisiana Cancer Prevention and Control Programs (LCP) at www.louisianacancer.org is a CDC-funded program housed at the LSU School of Public Health, which works on creating awareness of six priority cancers. The cancers, which include lung, colorectal, breast, cervical, prostate and skin are ones that can be prevented or mitigated by lifestyle choices and/or screenings. LCP is partnering with the Louisiana HOSA to put on this exhibit, part of a larger event for clinical personnel and future health care professionals.
WHEN & WHERE: Monday, Feb. 29 – University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Student Union Ballroom, 620 McKinley St., 8 to 11 a.m.
WHY: Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in Louisiana, in spite of being more than 90 percent preventable. A recent study has shown Cajuns to have one of the highest incidence rates in the country. The National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable and the newly formed Louisiana Colorectal Cancer Roundtable are encouraging everyone 50 and older to be screened regularly, so that we reach a nationwide goal of “80% by 2018”.
For more information on colorectal cancer: www.louisianacancer.org. For more information on the Louisiana HOSA: http://hosa.org/node/65
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