Hearing For Complaints Against Puyau Postponed
Several weeks ago members of the Vermilion Parish School Board felt strongly enough about complaints against Superintendent Jerome Puyau they voted to suspend him from his job. It's now several weeks later and the people of Vermilion Parish have still not been told exactly why that suspension was deemed necessary.
In a special meeting, last night the Vermilion Parish School Board at least hinted some degree of organization and purpose when they postponed a hearing to hear complaints against Puyau. The reason they postponed the hearing? They have yet to investigate the alleged list of complaints that warranted Puyau's suspension.
Meanwhile, Jerome Puyau continues to draw a paycheck and is not allowed to do the job he is being paid to perform. Or is he?
Last night's board meeting also shed a lot of light what appears to be a very confused body of elected officials. As there seemed to be some uncertainty over just exactly who, Puyau or acting Superintendent Paul Hebert is making decisions on behalf of the school system.
The guidance that I’ve gotten from counsel is that Jerome Puyau is still the official superintendent and has the authority to make decisions that a super makes.
Those are the words of Paul Hebert, the interim Superintendent when asked about the confusion by KATC TV 3 reporter Danielle Garcia. Meanwhile at least one member of the board can't see how that could be possible.
How can a superintendent at this particular point in time still be making decisions? By law he can’t.
Those are the words of board vice president Lara LeBouf. I have to admit, Ms. LeBouf does make a great point.
Let's hope the next time the Vermilion Parish School Board has the opportunity to meet they can actually have a workable plan in place on investigating complaints against Mr. Puyau, a plan for a hearing about those complaints, and a basic idea of just who is running the educational process for the families of Vermilion Parish.