Homecoming Queen Candidates Go Barefoot To Support Classmate
These young ladies demonstrated that they're all royalty by this classy act.
Nataleigh Deal is a nineteen year - old high school student who has down Down Syndrome and suffers with epilepsy. She's also one of her South Carolina high school's Homecoming queen candidates. She was supposed to walk with the other candidates at a recent football game when she suffered a seizure. She recovered in time to walk on the field but she didn't think she was up for walking in heels. The rest of the queen candidates decided to show their support for Nataleigh and walked across the field without their heels, too. Topping off the wonderful show of support was the selection of Nataleigh as Strom Thurmond High's 2019 Homecoming Queen.
Click here to see photos of the girls without heels and Nataleigh in her royal attire.