Viral video shows a magical engagement moment that was seemingly soured by a park employee who did not approve of the location. Many on social media have mixed reactions to the clip that has now amassed millions of views online.

He got down on one knee. The crowd began cheering. But then...


Something happened that has left the internet in shock.

An engagement at a Disney park was going perfectly until an apparent park employee put a stop to the whole thing.


The employee snatched the ring from out of the man's hand just as he was presenting it to his (hopefully) now fiancee.

The employee gestured the couple down the steps as everyone around seemed very confused. The man who was proposing, initially reacted by walking up to the employee.



But the man ended up staying calm and walked down the steps. He seems to point to someone else nearby to say that they were told what he was doing was OK, but the park employee gave a quick response to get the couple off of the stage.

Disney Park Employee Abruptly Ends Magical Engagement Moment

See the full video for yourself via @BrotherHQ on Twitter below.

A Reddit thread shared by the same Twitter account credits the videographer which you can see here. The thread specifies that the man apparently asked for permission to propose there.

While some online found what the park employee did to be rude, others defended his actions.

Reactions to the clip coming from Twitter can be found here.

What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

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