A good time is on the minds of most of us anytime we point our vehicles in the direction of Fort Walton Beach Florida. The seaside community has a lot to offer vacationers and beach lovers alike. There are some amazing homes and amazing neighborhoods of multi-million dollar homes around Fort Walton as well. One of those homes is the subject of an investigation by Walton County Sheriff's Deputies.

Jesse Collins via Unsplash.com
Jesse Collins via Unsplash.com

The incident in question happened in the WaterColor community. That beach community is described as an upscale community and the house in question was located on Blackwater Street. And according to law enforcement officials, the home was also the sight of an "unauthorized house party"

Videos of the "party" were posted on the Walton County Sheriff's Department's social media.

Now, if you're wondering why didn't the police just arrest those at the scene when they arrived it's because many of the "guests" had left the scene. However, the videos, like the ones above have been circulated on Instagram, Snapchat, and other social media platforms.

Police say they could subpoena those social sites to gain access to information about who posted the pictures and videos but they are actually calling those who were in attendance to come forward.

In addition to burglary charges, there could be charges filed related to property damage as well. One of the videos allegedly shows party goers boxing in the foyer of the multi-million dollar home.

So let that be a lesson to you, if you travel to Florida on vacation this summer and someone suggests you head to a private house party, it might be a good idea to check and see if the party is legit and if the owner of the home actually knows that there is supposed to be a party going on.

Fort Walton Deputies say they expect to release more information on the case as it becomes available in the meantime they are looking for the public's input to help solve the crime.

Now, if you're planning a getaway we suggest you do it legally. You might want to try one of these places, just get permission first.

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