Kiwanis Club of Broussard-Youngsville is Hosting a Teddy Bear Drive
The Kiwanis Club of Broussard-Youngsville is hosting a Teddy Bear Drive for the Pediatric Burn Unit at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital.
Teddy bear donations will be accepted through April 29, 2022, and need to be at least 12-18 inches tall. Since the Teddy Bears are being donated to a hospital, all bears must be NEW.
These bears help comfort the children that are in the burn unit. The bears are also treated as "patients" so the children can see how their burns will be bandaged and treated.
If you are interested in donating Teddy Bears you can drop them off at the following locations:
Locations in Broussard, La:
310 E. Main St
Preferred Lending Solutions- 104 Albertsons Pkwy
Locations in Youngsville:
Ann Raush State Farm- 810 S. Saint Blaise Lane
Donations will also be accepted at all Home Bank locations in Lafayette and Broussard.
For more information, you can visit the Kiwanis Club of Broussard- Youngsville Facebook page.
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