Lafayette, Here’s How to Mute those Loud Gas Pump Commercials
You stop to get gas, pull up to the pump, grab the nozzle and start pumping when all of a sudden the loudest most obnoxious commercial comes on the screen of the gas pump. A screen you probably thought was only there to ask for your credit card information or the manner in which you wanted to pay for your gasoline. At night or in the early morning hours when no one's around, they'll scare you half to death.
Reddi user u/Collinnn7 accidentally found a way to turn off the volume on the commercials that scream at you the entire time you pump gas into your vehicle. He shared his discovery on reddit.com.
I went to a gas station that had these ads but I didn't know it because the previous time I had stopped there they didn't. This was when it's still dark and this is kind of an isolated pump on a corner at a little convenience store so not like a big gas station. The ad was so loud! Scared the crap out of me as a woman alone at a dark gas pump at 6:30 in the morning! -SkippyBluestockings
The man found the button mute button while trying to press the button that brings up the "Print Receipt?" screen.
I was trying to press the button to bring up the 'Print Receipt?' screen and I hit the mute button by mistake. The volume on the as shut off and I didn't know if it was because I had pressed the button or because I was finished pumping.-u/Collinnn7 to MySA
During his next visit to the same gas station, he tried out his findings and it worked!
As more and more drivers try this man's muting suggestion, the universal button to mute the volume on most gas pumps is located on the right of the screen, the second button from the top.
So far, I have tried it at about fifty different stations across US which have those 8 touch buttons next to screens, and it always works.-kaihatsusha
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