Louisiana Early Voting Turnout Brisk on Opening Day
The election is on and votes are being cast. Well, they will be cast beginning this morning at 8:30 at the registrar of voter's offices around the state. Early voting for the October 12th election got underway on Saturday and will continue until this Saturday, October the 5th.
According to preliminary figures from the Secretary of State's office, there appears to be a lot of interest in this election. I am sure the Governor's race is the catalyst for the statewide interest but here in Acadiana, we have a lot to vote on as well.
The Secretary of State says over 77,000 voters cast an early ballot on Saturday, the first day of early voting. The most votes were cast in East Baton Rouge Parish with almost 8,000 ballots cast. Caddo Parish had the lowest early voting turnout for Saturday with just over 3,000 ballots cast.
Saturday's early voting totals were the second-highest first day early voting turnout in state history. Bested only by the early voting records that were set during the course of the 2016 Presidential race. In that election over 87,000 voters cast ballots on the first day of early voting.
To learn more about the items that are on the ballot for where you live you can follow this link to GeauxVote.com. Simply enter your information and the website will populate a sample ballot for you to peruse.
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