There have been a lot of issues, ideas and arguments that have been cussed and discussed in this session of the Louisiana Legislature, but in the end it all boils down to one question. What have they actually done?

One political analyst says this session of the legislature was actually quite prolific in passing legislation but most of the legislation would not be considered of major consequence.

"This is a session that when it's over, I'm not sure anybody can point to anything that was done that was of a major undertaking.  I don't see why anyone would be mad about something that was done because it wasn't controversial.  People probably yawned through the entire session."
Those are the words of Bernie Pinsonat as reported by the Louisiana Radio Network.
One of the bigger issues going into the session this year was Common Core. Governor Jindal even hinted that he wanted to scrap the program. Common Core is still intact, but chances are that discussion is far from over.
We certainly had our share of Louisiana issues to deal with during the session. Who can forget the Chicken Boxing or the Speed Traps of Washington discussions. We debated dogs in the back of pick up trucks, high school football eligibility  and medical marijuana too.  In the end, a lot was said and it appears as though very little actually got done. Which really isn't a bad thing. The wheels of government were designed to move slow. It's when they stop and start running backward that we really need to get concerned.
How would you rate this year's session of the legislature? Do you feel like you were represented adequately? Or was this just a couple of months of politics as usual?

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