Louisiana Woman Gifted a Car by Co-Workers
Louisiana residents are known far and wide for their generosity. It is just a part of our culture to reach out and help those who need a helping hand. If you're hungry you'll be fed. If you're in need of clothes you'll get the shirt off of our backs. If you're a hard-working person and treat others the way you'd like to be treated you could find yourself in a similar situation as this woman did when she reported to her job in Alexandria the other day.
The lady's name is Marta and according to a social media post by Matt Koury, Marta "is the sweetest hardest working lady you will ever meet". Obviously, Matt wasn't the only one who felt Marta's incredibly great attitude and inspiring work ethic were worthy of noting because her co-workers at Texas Roadhouse in Alexandria must have shared that opinion.
When the crew at the Alexandria location of Texas Roadhouse found out that Marta was having a transportation issue they all chipped in to solve the problem. You see, Marta was without a car and had to pay for a rideshare to get to work every day. She was also footing the bill for childcare too. And as the sole income earner for her household, the thought of a vehicle was looking to be very much out of reach.
That was until Matt and the Texas Roadhouse crew got wind of Marta's plight and they decided that this co-worker, friend, and extremely good person, was due for a blessing. Koury and Texas Roadhouse gang, the servers in particular, decided to raise money to help out their cherished friend and co-worker. The results of their effort are what you can see below.
And no, I'm not crying, you're crying. Hell, we should all be crying.
The generosity shown by these good folks in Alexandria is very inspiring if you ask me. It truly is a reflection of what I believe our state is all about. When you strip away the bad politicians and the agenda-based leadership and get to the level of the people you'll find most people are in fact, good.
For the Texas Roadhouse crew in Alexandria, you've done well. You did an amazing thing for your friend but you've taught us all a lesson. That lesson is the best way to have a better day is to help someone else have their best day. Marta, enjoy your vehicle and I know you'll spend a minute every day thinking grateful thoughts for those that made this "change" in your life for the better.
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