Food manufacturers have a lot of information they are required to share with us before we actually purchase and consume their products. This information on the food label is designed to help us make better nutritional choices as well as alert us to ingredients that might not work with our body's metabolism or propensity to have an allergic reaction.

Doctablet via YouTube
Doctablet via YouTube

I find that the information I am drawn to the most when it comes to food labeling is the number of calories per serving, the number of grams of added sugar that has been included in the product, and finally, just for comic relief, I love to read just how many servings the manufacturer believes this packaged product will provide.


The amount of servings per container is where things get really comical. And that is probably the reason that so many of us in America are fat. When you purchase a big bottle of Gatorade at the convenience store so you won't die from the summertime heat, that's technically two servings you just gulped down to stave off a heatstroke.

Don't even get me started with potato chips. If you read how many potato chips make up a serving of that tasty treat you'll probably quit snacking altogether. We have compiled some of the most infuriating foods that have a "warped sense" of serving size. See how many of these you can agree with and by all means, if there are other products whose serving size is even more offending, please let us know about those too.

10 Times Serving Size Equaled Serving Lies

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