Louisiana’s Best King Cake Competition Underway Online
Who makes the best king cake in Louisiana. I will just step back and wait a decade or two while you settle the issue with everyone else in Louisiana who has an informed opinion on what might be the most important unimportant topic in our state today.
A website, KingCakeSnob.com is once again hosting the annual online competition in which folks like you and I are invited to extol the virtues and values of our favorite carnival season-themed cakes.
Last year the competition featured over 600 different King Cakes. Dang, that's a lot of king cake, isn't it? More than 160 bakeries from around the area were included in the competition. This year's contest appears to be drawing even more attention.
The site is also a great way to get inside intel on what your friends and neighbors are saying about their favorite king cakes. Last year's competition featured over 3,500 professional, amateur, and passionate king cake reviews.
So, who you got in this contest?
We do know that king cakes tend to vary in recipe and presentation from New Orleans through Lafayette and on to Lake Charles. The Good Lord only knows what kind of egregious sins people in north Louisiana are committing with what they call a king cake. Here's a hint, imagine a loofa sponge with purple, green, and gold icing. But in the eyes of the competition, all cakes are created equal. They are just not as equally enjoyed.
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