LSU Freshmen Will Be Required To Live On Campus
Living on campus is part of the college experience. At least, in my mind living on campus is part of the experience. In my almost a decade of pursuing a college degree, I found that campus life was more of a help than a hindrance to a successful college outcome.
Beginning in fall of 2018 incoming freshmen at LSU will be required to live on campus. The reason? It's good for college freshmen to live on campus. Studies have shown that students who live in a dorm their first year of school tend to do better in class and have a better college outcome.
The Department of Residential Life at LSU says the university has more than enough beds to accommodate the anticipated increase in student residents. So space is not an issue. There are some exemptions to the requirement.
So if you live at home within 50 miles of LSU, you can be exempt from the residency requirement. We also have some other exemptions that are available like if you’re married or with dependent children.
Those are the words of Assistant Vice President for Residential LIfe Steve Waller. In his comments to the Louisiana Radio Network Waller explained that this residency requirement is not uncommon.
We’re the only public school in the state of Louisiana that doesn’t have a residency requirement. Most of our SEC peers all have a residency requirement. In a way, we’re kind of late coming to the game.
If you have questions or concerns about the policy and how it might affect you or your child visit the LSU Residential Life website.
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