You couldn't blame a shopper in Baton Rouge, Lafayette, or New Orleans for being a little "shell shocked" as we head into the biggest retail shopping day of the year. Wait, you thought Black Friday was the "big" day? Nah, the Saturday and Sunday before Christmas is always a bigger day for in-store shoppers. It's called Panic Saturday for a reason.

getty images
getty images

I am sure the Prien Lake Mall in Lake Charles, the Louisiana Boardwalk in Shreveport, and the shops along Magazine Street in New Orleans will be bustling with shoppers who waited too late to order online and don't want to pay the exorbitant shipping fees associated with getting here by Wednesday, Christmas Day.

And while you're out collecting those final holiday treasures this weekend just know there is one Louisiana retail outlet that you won't be able to shop and save with by the time next Christmas comes around. Heck, these places might be gone before the final Mardi Gras parades roll later this spring. 

Josh Guillory, Facebook
Josh Guillory, Facebook

The fact that some of these retail locations are closing is not a surprise. The company announced it would be restructuring its fiscal plan earlier this year. At that time the decision makers knew some locations across the country and yes, some in Louisiana would be closing.

But, there was hope that a merger with another company could stop the flow of "red ink" and at least save some of the remaining retail locations. That possible merger has officially fallen through so we have the unfortunate task of informing you that all Big Lots! stores across the country will be going out of business.

Google Maps/Google Streetview
Google Maps/Google Streetview

Back in November, it was reported that of the remaining Louisiana Big Lots! locations five of them would be closing. That number has now been revised since the anticipated merger with Nexus Capital Management has fallen through. The original plan was to shutter some 300 locations of the 1400 across the Big Lots! footprint but now it does appear as if all remaining locations will be closing.

There was no specific timetable announced for when the locations would close their doors for good. And there is still a chance that another financial backer or partner could be found and some of the locations could be saved. In the meantime, it will be business as usual for those stores that still have inventory.

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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells



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