Multiple New LSU Football Tailgating Rules Aimed To Curb Underage And Excessive Drinking
LSU held a meeting yesterday with students to discuss new football tailgating rules and policies the school is intending to implement in hopes of curbing underage and excessive drinking.
According to WBRZ the new rules discussed yesterday "limit what items can be brought to a student organization tailgate, enforces tailgating hours and regulates alcohol consumption".
The proposal warns students these new policies will be enforced by the Dean of students and law enforcement. These new rules come about as a result of expressed concerns of dangerous behaviors and student safety by members of the community.
Also, in order for a student to be able to get a ticket to a game, they will have to take an online class on sportsmanship, stadium and tailgating policy.
If a student wants to tailgate now, they will first need to register their request with the school. Plots will be set aside specifically for student tailgating and will be assigned as they are requested.
There will also be new regulations on what students can have at their tailgating plots. There will be a ban on any glass, kegs and large bowls of alcohol like punch. Drinking games that encourage the fast consumption of booze will also not be allowed at student tailgates.
Bye bye keg stands and beer pong.
WBRZ reports that "LSU proposes one of three avenues to monitor drinking: requiring student organizations that wish to have alcohol at a tailgate have a 3rd party serve it, establish a "bar" near the student organization tailgating area that would serve alcohol to of-age students who have a wristband and agree to a drink limit or require students to provide their own booze (BYOB)."
In an effort to cut down on excessive drinking, the time students will be allowed to tailgate has been restricted as well. Student tailgating plots will have to be set up between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. the night before a home game, or after 8 a.m. the day of kickoff.
Areas designated as student tailgating plots will also close 1 hour before kick-off.
As far as we can tell, these new policies apply to LSU students only.
For more on these new student tailgating regulations, head over to WBRZ.com.
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