NFL Approves New Overtime Rules – Fans Still Aren’t Happy
The NFL overtime rules were due for a change. There was a big uproar about it after this past post-season. Now that they have changed, is it really surprising that people are complaining again?
NFL Overtime Rules
Per sources, the NFL has approved the overtime rule change for post-season play that fans were up in arms about following this years playoff games.
And, honestly, it's been complained about for years. However, this year it all came to a head when the Buffalo Bills were eliminated from the playoffs after a Kansas City Chiefs touchdown in their first possession of overtime in arguably one of the best games of the entire season.
After that game, fans were in an uproar over the overtime rules. And the NFL answered.
It's a change that seems to make sense, as both teams will now have a chance to score, while allowing new strategy to playout in overtime.
Previously, if you won the coin toss, you had a huge advantage. The relief felt after your team chose the right side of the coin was immense, because there was now a big chance that they were moving on. Now, with the new rules, that may not be the case.
Now, the team receiving the ball second will have more info to work with, and a strategy to use going forward. They'll know how their opponents first possession played out. Do they only need a field goal to win or tie now? Maybe they go for 2 after a touchdown instead of letting their defense take another beating.
Speaking of defense, it might give them a second shot at stopping the offense if both teams end of scoring.
You can't please everyone
People will find something to complain about no matter what. I think that's always been the case, but now, with social media, they have a voice that can reach many. Also, those that are unsatisfied always scream louder than those that are satisfied.
This one has been echoed before
Where do you fall on the changing of the NFL post-season overtime ruling?