Study Wants Your Help In Breaking The Baton Rouge Traffic Bottleneck
Louisiana's Department of Transportation Development has noticed what you and I notice every time we take Interstate 10 East to Baton Rouge. What we've noticed is the traffic usually slows to a crawl near the Lobdell Exit. That's because of the congestion in and around the Mississippi River Bridge in the Capitol City.
That is why the DOTD is looking to us for suggestions on how to make this bottleneck not so much of a slow down. The department has gone online with a new website to take driver suggestions and feedback on how to make that section of the state's interstate system safer and more convenient for travelers.
The website,, is now live and if you have a comment or an idea the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development hopes you will share your thoughts. Spokesperson Rodney Mallet explained to the Louisiana Radio Network the goal of the survey on the website.
"The survey is a chance for anybody who wants to provide input into what they believe would be beneficial for the corridor. This is an outlet for them to do that."
The hope is that these suggestions will help ease traffic not only over the bridge but through Baton Rouge and the interchanges with Interstate 110 and Interstate 12. The website isn't the only way information is being gathered on this project.
"LSU is doing a scientific phone survey where they are going to poll people in the area. We're also going to put together focus groups to get with people to see what input they have on how to improve this area."
Once the information has been gathered and studied a plan will then be created on the best way to keep traffic moving safely over the river and in and out of Baton Rouge.