The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) conducted a 35-year study to determine the safest seat on a plane in the event of an emergency landing, or worse, a crash.
Letting people talk on their cellphones while traveling on an airplane makes as much sense as letting people eat onions at a funeral. There are going to be a lot of tears shed and not for the right reasons
Besides the long lines at security what is the biggest pain in the butt about flying? I would say for most of us, it is getting from the runway, through the terminal, then to baggage claim, then to our ground transportation. What if we could eliminate all those steps just by changing the design of the aircraft?
This weekend the skies of Acadiana will be rocking with the sights and sounds of freedom as the Sertoma Airshow takes flight. The stars of the show, The United States Air Force Thunderbirds! Tickets for the show are still available and just to give you a taste of the only kind of plane I could ever fly, we bring you this incredible paper airplane flight.
This is something that I have always wanted to do, toss a paper airplane off of a very tall building. I know it sounds like a very attainable task but alas, there are no very tall buildings that I have access to. My paper airplane making skills aren't that great either so even if I were able to get myself someplace really high my aircraft would probably come crashing down in a heap.
My mom called me the other day asking me to keep an ear out for cheap plane tickets! Well mom I can't promise your going to get them for dirt-cheap, but according to my findings....plane tickets are cheaper on certain days of the week! If you are planning a family vacation you might wanna check this out