Louisiana waiters and waitresses love serving you, unless you do any of these 12 things before, during, or after your meal. It's a dozen ways to dine better.
How we allow food to affect our interactions with current and potential partners is the stuff that keeps psychologists in business. Yep, we're all crazy.
With obesity a growing concern across the state, Louisiana officials are offering an incentive to restauranteurs to create and offer healthier alternatives to their patrons.
Don't let Mom do the cooking on her day! Treat her to breakfast in bed or take her out for a hot meal that somebody else prepared and cleaned up after!
Going out to eat should be a treat, but too often there are other distractions that can ruin the good time, the least of which are the litany of people you are bound to find.
It's time to start thinking about Mother's Day meals on Sunday . Reservations are suggested at many area restaurants because everybody wants to give Mom the day off.
If you decide all that cooking is just too much work, or your family is too big, or you're alone on Thanksgiving day or just decide to do something different this year, you have lots of options if you live in Acadiana. Lots of restaurants will be open and ready to serve you a delicious meal, no matter what you're hungry for...
In the past few years, it’s become increasingly common to see cellphones on restaurant tables alongside the standard napkin and silverware.
But one Los Angeles eatery wants to change all that — and playing along will save you money.