Have you ever pulled into a gas station, pumped your gas, then left your car at the pump while you went inside to get something? Is it rude to do this? Let's talk about it...
Phubbing could be the reason that you're having trouble making and keeping friends and family in your life. However,there is something that can be done to eliminate phubbing from your life.
Decency is going the way of the dinosaur. I think actions without consequences may be what killed it. Here are 5 little things that people shouldn't have to be reminded of, but you know they do.
Do you know what a "tech turd" is? Well I must admit, being a bit on the old school side of the fence I had horrible mental images of people ingesting smart phones and letting nature make the next call if you know what I mean. Technology is a double edge sword, remember when you used to have to answer the phone to find out who was calling? Or to get money from your bank you had to stand